It is because one decision that I wrote this post. I hope this is the first one of many others. Decisions are coming one after another. From the moment you wake up till you drop off on your bed. What to dress? (actually that is not a problem for men in many cases), what to eat? (well if there is something in the frigde is ok for me) and even when you do decide to use your time in the ancient ritual of procrastination you must decide about what.
But now, I am not talking about that kind of common decisions in life, those ones that can be decided even with your peripheral nervous system. I am taking about the ones you take and then you should not regret, when you should use your brain indeed. The ones that define your future in the middle and long term. It is there when the philosophy of "Non, je ne regrette rien" (No, I regret nothing) from the cultural icon Edith Piaf should guide our lifes. The past is the past, you learn from the past of course and living the present because the future is not here yet. Ok, the last part sounds really hackneyed, I know, but resuming the line of the discussion, I would like to quote the american writer Jarvis Klem:
"Make a decision, even if it's wrong".
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